Saturday, May 8, 2010

German Family with Two Identical Calendars

This photograph of a German family reveals nothing about the when or where, and written on the backside are five German first names, barely legible, which provides the only glimpse of the who.  The family is at the dinner table, and several of them appear to have heads bowed and eyes closed.
 Upon closer inspection, there are some peculiar items in the room:  two identical day calendars, one on each side of the window, each set to the 21st of whatever month it was. A special hook to the left of the window is used to store newspapers. There is a barometer in the window, of course used to predict the weather.
Likely made with a box camera, the silhouetted, backlit, dramatic feel of this image was probably a lucky mistake, but a beautiful result nonetheless.

July 2011 Update:  My friend Chris insists that the newspapers hanging on the wall are used for hygienic  purposes, as they seem to be mounted strategically above a seat-shaped hole.  Really?